Established in 1986, AMTRA is not-for-profit organisation which manages the registration for about 7000 AMTRA RAMAs (Registered Animal Medicines Advisors / SQPs). AMTRA develops and maintains the qualification syllabus which enables RAMAs to prescribe certain categories of animal medicines to pet owners, horse owners and livestock producers.

Additionally, AMTRA undertakes a number of other activities to support AMTRA RAMAs/SQPs, helping to enhance the quality of the service they provide to animal owners. This includes maintaining the RAMA register, regulating professional conduct, overseeing the accreditation of CPD and providing information and advice to RAMAS/SQPs.

Providing PR and marketing services to AMTRA, Kendalls worked closely with the organisation for over two decades. Our work began in the more traditional form of press and media liaison and copy writing, producing articles and press releases to communicate important updates or developments in legislation and policy to the animal medicines industry.

AMTRA works alongside a number of industry stakeholders to advise on policy, raise awareness of industry issues or challenges, ensure the RAMA community is represented in government policy and to issue advice to animal owners on best practice or changes to prescribing legislation.

Along the way, in order to communicate these messages, and to demonstrate the role and value of AMTRA, as well as that of RAMAs/SQPs, in the prescription and supply of medicines, Kendalls’ role grew to incorporate a variety of services.

We regularly produced and updated organisational literature, such as welcome packs, brochures, badges, and signage for events, and took care of the organisation’s branding and identity. This carried over to the new website, where we maintained the website content, regularly uploading articles, news items and RAMA/SQP profiles to act as a resource centre for those in the sector.

Social media management provided a further platform to communicate the activity and role of AMTRA to its key stakeholders, which includes the wider industry, RAMA/SQP employers, the media, animal owners and RAMAs themselves. Combining all of the above, with the traditional PR function growing into a modern press office and wider marketing function, Kendalls also sought editorial opportunities to communicate this activity and advice to wider audiences. Using years of experience and a deep understanding of the animal health sector, this technical content has helped to support the long-term future of the animal medicines sector and AMTRA’s role within it.

Press and media liaison

Kendalls provided the press office function to AMTRA, acting as the first point of contact between the organisation and the media.

Technical writing – articles and news releases

Planning, writing, distribution and placement of written content with trade and regional media contacts. This included RAMA/SQP profiles in the newsletters of key industry employers, and key industry publications such as Equine Trade News (ETN) and OverTheCounter magazine.

Social media management

Planning content, posting and maintaining the social media platforms for the organisation, providing a resource of information, and facilitating an online RAMA community.

Literature design, print and content

Plan, produce content and manage the design and print process for literature such as brochures, candidate packs and digital documents.