Livestock Auctioneers’ Association (LAA)

Livestock Auctioneers’ Association (LAA)

The Livestock Auctioneers’ Association (LAA) is the national organisation representing auctioneering firms that occupy and run the livestock auction markets of England and Wales.

Over a long-standing relationship, Kendalls has represented LAA and its members across a series of campaigns, activities and promotions, including informing farmers and the media of the details of the “Drop & Go” system, helping to keep marts operational during the Covid-19 lockdown restrictions.

Livestock auction markets represent a vital rural hub for the whole community, not just from a social but also commercial perspective. In 2019, we helped prepare and produce an extensive report, detailing the economic and social contribution of the marts of England and Wales, gaining widespread coverage across national trade publications.

Kendalls also prepared and managed a year-long promotional campaign and celebration, marking the 200th anniversary of the first registered livestock auction in 1817, again gaining national, regional and broadcast coverage.

This involved the production of a special anniversary commemorative brochure, and the design and creation of promotional materials to support celebrations at marts across the country.

Following a press briefing attended by all leading livestock editors in the country at the Farmers Club, London, the activities culminated in a special reception hosted at the House of Lords.

We have also helped and supported a number of key initiatives and activities, including the launch of MartSafe, providing advice, guidance and training on health and safety, promotion of a report on animal welfare in livestock markets by the Humane Slaughter Association, and raising awareness of the Next Generation Group of young livestock auctioneers.

Trade reports and market updates

Kendalls compiles regular trade reports and market update articles, providing an overview from auction markets across England and Wales.

Supporting professional training, health and safety and welfare initiatives

Kendalls has provided PR support to a number of key initiatives including the national MartSafe programme, providing bespoke health and safety guidance and training for all staff within a livestock market.

Commissioning and producing key industry reports

Kendalls has prepared, produced and published a number of key industry reports and articles, including a study into the economic and social contribution of livestock markets, as well as the 200th anniversary brochure.

Event and award promotions

Kendalls supports LAA member involvement in award events, including the Farmers Guardian Mart’s The Heart Awards. Press coverage is also achieved for award winners qualifying through the Livestock Market Operations and Management course, run by Harper Adams University.

Promotion of community support initiatives

Kendalls supports LAA’s key social contribution within the communities its member markets serve. This includes promotion of key services such as health hubs and drop-in centres.

“The LAA is pleased to have established a long-standing relationship with Kendalls PR, who have always provided a highly professional service with expert advice, understanding the unique needs of the livestock market sector.”

Zanna Dennis BPA (Hons) Livestock Auctioneers Association (LAA) Development Officer